Happy Friday! I can’t believe it is September already. This last month was nothing short of a whirlwind. Dealing with move-in, the stress of the transition and on top of all that, it’s my senior year of college! I’m just out here trying my best to handle all the facets of life, so far I'm working to keep my head above water. But my goal, however, is to thrive, not just survive. Let's get this TGIF started!
TRUST Imposter syndrome is real. In fact, it may be real enough for me to write a full post on its impacts and my personal experiences with the pattern. It is literally insane how often these thoughts can permeate someone's mental, and it takes over… You know what, definitely writing a full post. Regardless, that’s neither here nor there. I say all that to say, I trust that I belong on this campus. Some of the classes I’ve found myself in this year are new, and also fairly challenging. It’s hard for me to find my place, but I have to continue to tell myself that I belong in those classes. I am very much as worthy as the next person to claim my spot in that space.
GRATEFUL As I mentioned above, I am at the beginning of my fourth and final year here at Miami University of Ohio. While these past three years have been nothing short of challenging, tough, and completely life-altering to say the least, I am so very, very grateful for these memories. I wouldn’t trade any experience (good or bad), hard conversation, change of heart….or major, for the world. It has meant so much for me over all these years. Cheers to the next two semesters of “lasts”. It’s been a wild ride, Miami.
INSPIRATION I am quite inspired by black people who actively pursue the media industry. That came from left field, right? I know. But, media is definitely one of my passions. And the media industry, specifically television entertainment is one that I truly enjoy being critical of. And the spirit of critique has caused me to be so inspired by black people who go out with a mission to recreate authentic black life on screen, and are successful in their endeavor. Maybe we can get into my watch list later on?
FUN Fun. One of the hardest things on this list to do in a guilt-free manner. Nonetheless, I do have quite an enjoyable time at the events I put on, whether it be for Miami University Fashion & Design, or as President of Miami’s NPHC. Specifically, our Welcome Weekend was one of the most delightful! We held a hip-hop roller skating event in the student center. I think it was the perfect way to welcome the first years to campus. I even got out there on the floor, knowing I can’t skate worth anything! And I’ll leave off with this; while learning a new skill, you can’t be afraid of the fall!
Remember to enjoy September, fall is approaching! #TGIFPractice

Originally Published: September 6th, 2019